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OCR: Oacc the local bislogran beea crcalcd, buckct peaks a0d valleys HIC 0 rzed order sclecl approprialc thrcsholds cluster pixcl valucs 15 dcliocd by pcak iwe boundiag Step Cluster Selection valleys. the cxamplc, the clustcrs HIC quitc small UsCr -specilicd paramcicrs HIC coplevcd thal will alecl bew clusicr A clu ster is defined bya histogram peak with pcak aod arc qualificd These arc describcd urthc dctail valley on either side of that peak Cluster peaks al] local maxime in the histogram Valtey local minima on either side of the peak Ciuster hypothesis set the set of all possible peaks and the corresponding valleys Can did a Pealr end Valleys fx Seer 11661 Nisto sean peek- Gy: lsetr .6 VKArTLHI L,I 1993 Amerinex A... all rkhts reserved 6-58 Oace histogran beco crcatcd bucket vallcs analyzcd ...